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March issue of Vogue Australia, Diva gold skinny double cuffs, Grown Camellia & Geranium Blossom Facial Moisturiser, Edward Beale Argan Oil Spray and faux flower headband from my recent trip to Avoca Beach

These days I've been concentrating on the finer details in life. I have slowly gotten myself back into looking at jewellery stores - even though I am the pickiest person when it comes to bracelets, necklaces and all those sorts. But baby steps, right? This set of double cuffs were just the perfect everything: colour, size, amount, etc - so naturally they were mine.

Reading is also another revival of the past - I'm now reading steady handful everyday, including a few pages of The Sartorialist in the mornings, Vogue Australia during the afternoons, and my iBook copy of Looking for Alaska whenever I get the chance. The Great Gatsby is already on my next to-read list after I finally finish my boyfriend's copy of The Complete Robot.

Lastly, I cannot recommend highly of the Grown products line as well as the magic Argan Oil does to your hair. It was seriously just using these two that I feel like I'm actually doing good to my body rather than adding more chemicals/junk to it. That and using natural products make me feel like I'm one step closer to being a health nut someday...

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